Richard Himber & His Ritz-Carlton Orchestra "Zing Went the Strings of My Heart" (1935)
Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart
People, places, and events have inspired songs in me for as long as I can remember. There were the songs of the seasons and the songs connected with memories now nearly forgotten. Memories of old loves and unconquered objects of my desire evoke refrains inspired during more passion times. A feeling, a tickle of my senses, or any tapping into an old memory might make a melody come to mind.
There are certain songs that I can pinpoint the time, the place, and exactly what I was doing when I first heard them. Then there are other songs that seemed to have been merged into my life as I grew up or were there for long periods until the point when I suddenly noticed them.
Music has been a thread that has connected the parts of my life. In that sense music has been a soundtrack that accents the emotions, the activities, and everything that makes me who I've been. Perhaps having always known movies with soundtracks and having always had music playing through most of my days, I've come to expect music to be playing in my mind if it wasn't entering my ears.
I wonder if before recorded sound if music played such an important part of people's lives? Perhaps whistling, humming, or singing has always been an instinct within humans from the beginning of history. How could it not be so?
Now, at the least provocation, songs come into my head. They may be the songs that others have written and I have heard and known. Or they are sometimes songs that I make up as I go. I used to write them down more often. But now more often than not, I listen to my songs in my head until I am distracted by something else. Are those songs lost forever? They're probably somewhere deep within my mind, but unlikely to be found.
Someday I might go on a mining expedition to dig up those buried songs. Then again maybe I'll only be coming up with new ones. I'll see something that inspires me and zing! another song fills my mind. If I focus in on the song, then maybe I'll capture it. I'll let the strings of my heart play as I write the words.
Do you have songs in your head? Do you ever write songs? Do you think of your life as having a soundtrack?
On Saturday I will return to my regular posting schedule with my A to Z Challenge Reflections for 2014. I hope you'll join me then.