A to Z Theme 2016

For my 2016 A to Z theme I used a meme that I ran across on the blog of Bridget Straub who first saw it on the blog of Paula Acton. This meme is a natural for me to use on my memoir blog. It's an A to Z concept and it's about me. No research and nothing complicated. I'm given twenty six questions or topics to discuss that are about me.

In April I kept my posts short and uncomplicated. In the midst of it all you might learn a few things about me that you didn't previously know.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Quitting (Elements of Memoir) #AtoZChallenge

     Many of us want to read the memoir stories about achievement or success.   Initially "quitting" does not necessarily sound like an encouraging or uplifting story for memoir.   Quitting can have a negative connotation since we are often taught the "Never give up!" mantra of following through no matter how difficult things might be.

       However let's not forget the success stories of quitting a bad habit or quitting something that turns out for the better for us.   If you've quit a destructive behavior there are others who might also like to quit that same behavior and might find your story to be a help to them.  Quitting smoking, overeating, drugs, or any detrimental activity can include humorous moments as well as the roller coaster ride of defeat and triumph that we can experience on the journey to kicking any bad habit.

        Quitting can also involve getting out of situations such as a job, school, or a marriage.  The act of having quit might have been a mistake that leads to regrets or unwanted outcomes.  But quitting one situation always is an open door to a new chapter in life.  Hopefully your story of having given up eventually led to a better situation.

        We can all learn from the experiences of others.  Take a close look at your life and the things that you quit along the way.  Think about how your story can entertain and possibly even help others.

         What bad habits have you struggled with quitting?    Did you ever quit something that you later regretted?   Have you been helped by anyone else's quitting stories?


  1. I don't think I've ever regretted quitting anything. There had to be a reason for me to give up, be it the organ lessons I absolutely hated in 3rd grade or working for horrible lawyers or leaving a 22 year marriage to a mentally ill alcoholic. Sometimes you just have to walk away.

    1. You're so right. If staying to finish is a waste of time and energy then what's the point? There are also those things that we don't have enough foresight at the time to stay with it then later you realize that it might have been beneficial to see it through.


  2. Stopping by my fellow memory types in the #AtoZChallenge; JoJo is right, sometimes you have to walk away. That doesn't make it any easier. http://bit.ly/1DEDAYB

    1. And you really need to walk away when there is no hope in trying to continue something.


  3. Hi Lee - thankfully I don't fall into that category ... but do know people who do and who have .. I've walked away from things .. that were doing me no good - it's necessary to realise we can change and we don't need to stick on the same path.

    Quitting is a necessity at time ... cheers Hilary

    1. I don't like to quit, but if there is no hope then there is no point in trying.



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Arlee Bird