A to Z Theme 2016

For my 2016 A to Z theme I used a meme that I ran across on the blog of Bridget Straub who first saw it on the blog of Paula Acton. This meme is a natural for me to use on my memoir blog. It's an A to Z concept and it's about me. No research and nothing complicated. I'm given twenty six questions or topics to discuss that are about me.

In April I kept my posts short and uncomplicated. In the midst of it all you might learn a few things about me that you didn't previously know.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Post-High Blahs

My granddaughters taking a break at Arlee's Raw Blends in Princeton, NJ

          Oh, hello--remember me.  I'm the guy who used to write and post at this blog.  Did anyone notice that I had disappeared for a while?

         I really hadn't intended on taking such a long break, but vacation and then getting back home got me kind of side tracked.   Looking back I realize that I only missed three weeks worth of posting.  But in blog years three weeks is like three months.   Well, maybe that's not a scientific or realistic assessment, but missing three weeks on this blog seems like a long time to me. Since I started this blog I don't recall ever having missed a scheduled Saturday posting, but then again who's keeping score?

        Truth be told, I've fallen into a bit of a blogging slump.  Vacation can do that sometimes.  To me at least this happens.  For that matter, many of the highs in my life have been followed by a plunge into a sort of depth of not anything that I'd classify as clinical depression, but a sort of down feeling nevertheless.  This is probably a natural reaction for most if not all of us and that depressed state of mind makes sense--one day life is filled with excitement and happy times and then suddenly it's all over.  You're left with a sort of emptiness that memories can't quite fill.

        As the saying goes, "All good things must come to and end."   Fortunately that is the case for bad things too.  All things come to an end, or perhaps a transition point might be a more apt way to view the sequence of the ups and downs of life.  "Life goes on" to use another cliche, but it's also a truism because life just keeps going without regard to our feelings.

        As I reflect on my life in general, I think back to the most fun times of my life.   I remember much about the good times, but only a vague memory of how I felt after those good times had ended.  I recall feeling down, but not many details about what that down feeling encompassed in its totality.

        There were the times after Christmas, Halloween, or other special events.  Or a visit by favorite relatives or someone else who was special.  The build-up of the anticipation of a big event instilled a sense of optimism and excitement.  When the event arrived the excitement peaked.  And then it was all over with little to do but carry out the trash and clean the house.   Maybe there'd be some photos or videos that had captured the happy time, but often these mementos of the past are memories more melancholy than uplifting in any immediate tangible way.  I'd never want to give up the those memories that I can look at, but they make a rather weak substitute for being able to exist in that actual moment in time.

         After our vacation trip I spent a couple days unloading the van and even longer actually unpacking suitcases and putting things away.  Some of the boxes and a couple of the empty suitcases still remain where we left them.  My wife started back to work while I'm trying to get back into some sort of normal routine here at home.

       The miles of driving are behind us and those we visited are back to doing the things they normally do.  In a way it all seems like a dream to me.   There are memories of the things I did, but they almost don't even seem real.   What am I going to do now?   Things just seem kind of blasé now. I know it will all be normal soon, but this time around the normalcy is coming around slower. Of course, the vacation was much longer than any I'd taken before. I guess that counts for something.

      When I was in sixth grade living in San Diego, the kids in our grade took a week long trip to camp. It was the first time I'd ever been away from home without my parents being with me. Distanced from the normalcy of my family, on this school excursion I was now in the constant company of school mates, our chaperones, and the camp staff. This was a new and exciting adventure for me.

        That week was one of the most fun of my childhood. The activities kept us occupied throughout the day right up to the time we went to bed in our dormitories. I'd never been in a situation of that nature in my life and I didn't want it to end. I didn't even miss home. Then it did end and we went home. Riding home on the bus I sadly gazed out the window as the previous week paraded by in my mind.

         For days afterward I glumly wandered about the house thinking back on the camp experience. I made up sentimental songs about being at camp and sang them to myself. I was very sad for awhile. And then I was kind of sad for a few more days and then life just took over again and kept on going and was the same as it ever was. And that was okay because that's the way life is.

       Do you fall into a low state after the highs of life have passed by?   For you, what is the worst part about ending a vacation?    Can you recall a time in the past when you felt especially down after something fun had ended?


  1. "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." I am always feeling down after a vacation or holiday. I don't think you can help it. There's all the build up to Christmas and all the mysterious, beautifully wrapped gifts and by noon on the 25th there is a giant trash bag full of crumpled paper and a pile of stuff stacked under the tree. I think the most fun of vacations or whatever is the looking forward to it.

    And I'm in a blogging slump too b/c I haven't gone anywhere or done anything that's newsworthy.

    1. JoJo--Even when you don't go far from home or just post about your craft work I'd consider that newsworthy enough to be of interest to many of your readers. I'm a big believer in the concept of it's not how big your story is that makes it great, but how well it's told. Also when you're in a slump you can dredge back into the memories to write some memoir material.. You might give it a try!


  2. It's the transition time that's difficult for me, before getting back into the routine. There's something to be said for the dullness of routine although being human, the ups and downs will happen.

    1. Karen JG--I agree that transitions periods can be strange and awkward. I like having a routine, but I enjoy a routine that includes a fair amount of excitement and surprise.


  3. I was just thinking of how the ups and downs have come at different times during different periods of my life. As a child, the end of summer was a bit sad, but mostly filled with excitement of going back to a new school year, new teachers, and old friends. As a mother there was some of the excitement for the children and looking forward to a bit more free time, but a bigger sadness at losing the company of my children all day while they were in school. It was also the same for weekends. When I was in school, and especially college, Sunday night blues were very common as the end of the weekend of freedom came. As a mother, of six children, Sunday nights were fun times with the family and looking forward to sending them back to school and a bit of a respite during the week. I for sure am quite susceptible to the post high blahs.

    1. Marcy, I agree that the end of summer and beginning of new school years are very big events for kids or those of us who have kids. It's nice to have the cycle as all school or all summer would probably become rather monotonous. The Sunday blues were similar for me. When I was growing up we often had "Hot Fudge Sundae" night and enjoy regular TV programming. I tried to make Sunday night special for my own kids as well. We even did the Hot Fudge Sundae nights sometimes.


  4. Hi Lee - it's always difficult to settle back in ... I've just been to London and can't get myself going - tomorrow I'll be fine and I might even start blogging after a 3+ month break.

    So pleased you had a happy time .. and that's a lovely photo of your granddaughters ... special kids - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary, it's been going on 3 weeks for me getting settled back in. I guess I'll get there, but I think some of my priorities may have changed--they were on the way to doing so even before my vacation.

      Those grandchildren are very special to me. I need to see them more often as I'm missing a great deal of their lives.


  5. Oh yes, extended vacations have had the same effect on me. After a two week western Caribbean cruise (first ever for me) and seeing and meeting places and people I'd only ever read about I felt strangely at odds with everything that I considered 'normal' before; books, writing - even working. Thankfully it didn't last longer than a few days and I chalked it up to getting my land legs back!

    Your granddaughters seemed to be having a real nice time and I was quite taken by your description of your camping adventure; sounds memorable indeed.

    I missed your Saturday posts, Arlee. For the record :-)

    1. Diedre, my current slump has been going on much longer than anything I've previously experienced. I think there must be something else to it where my life needs to see some change that will be good for me.

      It's nice to be missed. Thank you! I wasn't even sure that anyone would notice my post today.


  6. To tell the truth, I usually am glad to get back to a routine and have some "quiet" times and moments. But immediately after fun times at our place, sometimes I feel the "blahs" hit me when I have to face the cleanup or the normal routine of "it's time to do the laundry and the dishes are piling up." Having fun makes a mess!

    But we are all different creature. Perhaps you need some little day trips or local adventures sprinkled in to keep your batteries charged?

    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

    1. Barbara, there is much to be said for the quieter times of being more settled. I agree that having fun can make a mess, but it's worth it.

      My wife and I probably should start doing more things on weekends, but it feels so good just to stay home too.


  7. Almost w/o exception, the worst thing about ending a vacation is going back to work.

    Father Nature's Corner

    1. GB, true, going back to work is rarely something I looked forward to in the past. Now I don't have that so it's a non-issue for me.


  8. I was so happy to see your post in my inbox this morning, Arlee! You have been missed! Lately I have found blogging regularly to be a challenge but when I realize how much I miss the posts of those I follow, it gives me inspiration to keep on keeping on.
    For me, there is almost a euphoria that follows me for a few days after returning home--mainly fueled by wanting to tell others about this or that exciting aspect of my vacation, but in another way, I am totally glad to be home again and back to my usual routine.

    1. Pam, awww--it's nice to be missed! A lot of bloggers I read have been posting less. But I hope they all keep at it some.

      Routine can be comforting.


  9. The let-down syndrome is why for years I dreaded Sunday night...

    1. CW, Sunday night was not so thrilling for me when I was in school. I've often had to work on Sundays so during my work life Sunday night was not that big of a deal for me.


  10. Getting that old rhythm will take awhile. Such a wonderful trip for you, you have a right to miss it.
    I look forward to reading more posts.

    1. Ann, things are getting back to normal, but it's really been hot here lately.


  11. It is a cycle we all deal with...the lead up, the experience and then the ending of what we anticipated. All we can do is keep stepping forward, until the sadness fades to nostalgia, and then to joyful memories.

    1. Liza, very nicely put. It's probably pretty universal.



Tell your story. Express your thoughts. We want to hear from you. This blog no longer accepts comments from "Anonymous"--That guy is really starting to bug this blog. If you want to leave me a comment then please register if you aren't already--it's easy to do and I really want to hear from you.

Arlee Bird