Zoo: An excellent place to study the habits of human beings.
Evan Esar
Lee Richardson Zoo in Garden City, Kansas (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Zoos you have been to...
This is something that can certainly be metaphorical by nature, but I won't even explore those kinds of zoos. A to Z might be viewed as a zoo as well--so many blog topics and posts brought together in the common realm of an April event. I'll also leave out the many petting zoos, circus menageries, or other animal collections I've visited. Instead I'll stay on the expected topic--zoos that I've visited.
Not only have I been to many zoos in my lifetime, there are many zoos that I think I've been to but I can't exactly remember for sure. After so many years things of this nature can run together somewhat. For example, I'm pretty sure that I've been to the Chicago Zoo and the Toronto Zoo, but I'm not going to lay any money on those. Maybe I was just thinking about going and ended up not going. I'm sure those are great zoos, but frankly I can remember anything specific about them.
My first zoos might have been the ones in Cleveland, Ohio and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I would have been very young when I lived in those cities and it seems logical that any decent parent would take their small child to the local zoo. I seem to vaguely recall going to one or both of those zoos but I can't say for sure so maybe I should move on to the ones I definitely know I visited.
The first zoo that stands out in my memory is the world famous San Diego Zoo. That's a world class zoo if you're not familiar with it so that's a good zoo to start out with if you go to visit a zoo. When I first went it was in the early 1960's. I probably went to that zoo at least three times during that period when I lived there. Later in the 1990's when I moved to Los Angeles, I took my own children to the San Diego Zoo which by that time was even bigger and better. If you want to see an outstanding zoo you should make a point of seeing the one in San Diego if you're anywhere near that area. I might add here that San Diego makes for an excellent vacation destination since there is so much to see there.
One of the oddest zoos I've visited was the one in Garden City, Kansas. Known as the Lee Richardson Zoo, this attraction has a very decent collection of animals and the best thing is that visiting this zoo is free. Garden City is not a destination vacation spot by any means. I was only there because we used to play the town on our road show tours and each time I was there I went to the zoo. Not much else to do there after all and looking at the animals was an interesting way to pass time before it was time to go set up for the evening show.
When I lived in Maryville, Tennessee I visited the nearby Knoxville Zoo. This is another fine zoo to visit with about 800 animals on display. I haven't been there in many years, but from what I understand many improvements have been made to make the zoo a great experience for visitors.
The zoo that I've visited most recently is the Los Angeles Zoo. This zoo is not as impressive as the one in San Diego, but they are making an effort to make the zoo a pleasant experience for visitors. This zoo is owned and managed by the city of Los Angeles and is part of the vast Griffith Park complex of attractions. It's a busy place where watching the people can be almost as interesting as watching the animals. People watching is probably entertaining to the animals as well.
So with zoo we come to an end of another Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. It's been fun and hope you've enjoyed learning a few more things about who I am as well as thinking about who you are. Yes, A to Z has been like a blogging zoo for sure. And don't forget my one last A to Z post on this site. Next Saturday I'll present my A to Z Reflections post and then after that it's back to business as usual. Some of it might be monkey business. Just like a visit to the zoo.
Do you enjoy visiting zoos? What zoos have you visited? What is the best zoo that you've been to or heard about?